Everything between idea and release is called output. That's what we're building. But even if what we build is important, it is not the real point. The real point is the added value that has been created and what people do actually differently as a consequence of what we have built. ​Our mission is to be a innovative partner when it comes to establishing sustainable solutions that help companies and organizations to create real societal benefits. We call it Society Tech.
Digitude is specialized in how to move from “vision to value” with minimal effort, but maximum impact. ​​We believe that data- and event-driven architecture, in combination with modern AI, creates strong conditions for companies and organizations to become leaders in their domain or business area. Therefore, Digitude also specializes in data- and event-driven architecture where loosely coupled systems can exchange real-time data, without knowing each other's existence.
Our mission is to help companies and organizations succeed in creating societal benefit through sustainable IT solutions.
Society Tech
By establishing a "capacity" at national level, new digital infrastructure and innovative applications can be implemented more cost-effectively. By using data exchange more efficiently, conditions are created for a smarter (digital) society, democratic processes included. The "mechanisms" behind exchanging real-time data between different societal actors plays a central role in such digital infrastructure. When actors come together and share information, great things can happen. It is called a digital ecosystem and is an unbeatable way to extract value from the growing sea of ​​information. An effective ecosystem requires that all actors can share their data in real time. It also requires a high degree of Interoperability, meaning the ability to share information and knowledge between system boarders. Technical standards and it's taxonomies are a prerequisite for a good interoperability. ​​​​At a high level of abstraction you can say that Society Tech rests on four pillars.